We seek to be instruments of the Holy Spirit to develop deep, joyful followers of Jesus Christ, equipping them to live within the world in a way that honors God and blesses the people and world around us.
What We Believe
We believe the God who is revealed in the Old and New Testaments is the One True God. This God is the creator of all, the sustainer of all, and the judge of all.
We were created for relationship with God. We rebelled and broke this relationship by refusing to acknowledge HIM as God. Sin is the name we give to this rebellion.
Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, came to earth to live a life of perfect obedience. Jesus Christ, by HIS death on the Cross, absorbed the punishment that our sin deserved. We are saved from the penalty our sin deserves by repenting of our rebellion and trusting the work of Christ on the Cross for forgiveness.
We believe the historical fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the indispensable affirmation of the Christian faith. The resurrection vindicates Jesus’ claims about Himself. The resurrection of Jesus Christ proves God’s ultimate victory over the power of sin and death.
We are restored into good relationship with God by faith in the promise of God, given to us through the kindness of HIS Grace, and not by any good deeds we have done
The Holy Spirit of God empowers both our profession of faith in Jesus Christ and the living of our life as disciples of Jesus Christ.
In response to HIS gifts of life and salvation, we believe we are to live our lives in obedience to Jesus as our Lord. Jesus now defines the good life for us. We believe the cornerstones of that good life are being a servant of others as Jesus was, a commitment to loving God and neighbor, caring for the needy around us, and participating in making disciples of all the peoples of the world.
We trust God for our present and for our future. God will complete the work HE has begun in us. In HIS time, God will bring the eternal kingdom of joy and peace and prepare a place in it for those who trust in HIM.
Further details of what we believe are best summarized in the historic statements of Christian faith, particularly the Apostles Creed and the Westminster Confession of Faith
What We Do
Committing to the following Core Practices enables us to become deeper and more joyful followers of Jesus Christ
Knowing the Bible and Being Shaped by the Bible: We believe the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God. The Bible, from beginning to end, points us to the person and the work of Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches us about the salvation of Christ. It also teaches what HE wants us to do. We confess that, because of our sin, we understand neither ourselves nor the world correctly. We trust that the Bible will correct our vision. When we and the Bible disagree, we commit to changing so that we will be in conformity with what the Holy Spirit teaches in the Bible.
Worship: Worship is expressing our loyalty, devotion and gratitude. Worship is giving Jesus Christ first place in our hearts and final authority in our lives. We worship to express our joy in HIM. We want our worship to be a place where the glory of God is sought and the Risen Christ is encountered. We commit to worshiping God with the way we live all week long and not just on Sunday morning.
Prayer: We pray because communication is central to a good relationship. We pray because we need help. We need forgiveness, wisdom, patience, strength, faith, compassion, and courage. When we pray, we admit that need and aim to seek that help. We pray to say thank you. We pray that HE would make great laborers to do His work. We pray, above all, that God’s will would be done in our lives.
Witness and Making New Disciples: Jesus commands HIS people to make disciples of all nations. Witness is living as salt and light in the world, which means doing good works that draw people to Jesus Christ and cause them to give HIM praise. Witness is having an explanation for the hope that is in us. Witness is supporting Gospel missionaries in their work throughout the world. Witness is willing to be different from the world so that we can serve Christ and love our neighbor in the world.
Support of Mercy Ministries: When we truly understand what Jesus Christ has done for us, we will be generous with our money, time, and influence. We are generous to show God our gratitude and to make better the lives of our neighbors. We have concern for all, but especially, as HE did, for the poor and marginalized. We are honored to partner with other people, churches, and groups we think are doing HIS work well.
Christian Friendship: Being a good follower of Jesus Christ is not something we can do alone. We need Christian friends. Christian friends challenge us and hold us accountable. We bear one another’s burdens. We spur one another on to good works. We agree to watch over each other. We promise to tell each other the truth. We commit to forgive each other. We commit to love each other.
Service and Missions
Jesus Christ charged us to take his love into all the world. We, at Prospect Presbyterian Church, trust in God and give our lives in service to God and others. We serve in a variety of ways, settings and places. We invite you to join us in that service.
As a church, we serve by being involved with:
- Our Missionaries
- Justin and Kristen Raymer
- Rob and Sandy Shaffer
- Brian and Christy Ward
- David and Caree Lookabill
- FEEDnc
- Rowan Helping Ministries
- Mooresville Christian Mission
- Hope of Mooresville
- Medical Benevolence Foundation
- Habitat for Humanity
- Fifth Street Ministries
- My Sisters House
- Hurricane Relief Projects
- 2 Cents a Meal offering and others
- Sister 2 Sister Ministry in Kenya
- Appalachian State University Campus Ministry
- Present Age Ministries
- Community Pregnancy Center of Lake Norman
- Food for Days
If you have any questions about our Mission Program, please contact the chair of our Mission Committee, Vance Moore at [email protected] or Will Gipe at [email protected].
Church History
Prospect Presbyterian Church was organized in 1824 when Concord Presbytery granted a petition to form a new church. There were approximately 20 members at the time of organization, most of them moving membership from Centre Presbyterian Church. By 1866 enrollment had grown to 384 and Prospect had become the largest church in Concord Presbytery, now known as Salem Presbytery.
The original church was a log structure which was replaced with a large frame sanctuary in the late 1850’s. The present brick structure, which will seat more than 400 people, was completed in 1951. For over a hundred years Prospect shared a minister with other churches in the area, but in 1927, Reverend James Douglas Deans was installed as Prospect’s first full-time pastor.
Prospect enjoys a rich tradition. Presbytery met here in 1835 and adopted the resolution to establish Davidson College. Also in 1885, Augustus Leazer, an elder and member of the North Carolina legislature, introduced a bill that established North Carolina State University. In 1954 Prospect was named Rural Church of the South and was the scene in 1956 of the first message from a Christian church recorded for broadcast by the Voice of America to countries throughout the world.